Who doesn’t love a sweet treat after a good meal, or as a way to break up the monotony of a diet, or just when you need a mini-life break? Not everyone has a sweet tooth or the same desire for something sweet, but most people don’t mind taking a few select pieces out of the kids’ baskets at Halloween. From gummy bears to brownie bites, people love that little burst of sweet goodness that comes with candy or baked goods.
Hemp manufacturers recognized early that blending Hemp with succulent snacks made the likelihood of their success that much greater. You can findHempD in gummies, brownies, cookies and more. In fact, the Hemp industry has moved into non-edibles such as bath bombs and beauty creams, but even with all these options, gummies are a favorite way to consume Hemp for people in Indiana, a state that really limits the availability of Hemp products for its residents. Below, store owners talk about what they are seeing people buy..
“I think it’s just getting started here in America,” Kelley Marvin, a certified integrative nutritionist, said. “We are suffering from the consequences of over prescription use…” One of the most popular methods of consuming Hemp oil is through edibles or food products infused with the oil. Some may look to add the oil to things they already make such as salad dressings or a smoothie. The most popular form of consumption on the market right now is infused gummies.
What makes Hemp edibles such as gummies so popular begins with convenience, followed by taste. Gummies are easy to carry and transport, and just as easy to consume. Currently, Hemp edibles are not regulated by the FDA and additional research is required to determine the effects of Hemp on the body. They should not be taken in anticipation that they will cure or heal any specific disease or disorder.
Not all Hemp candies are made equal, so buyers should be aware of what they are consuming. If you are conscientious about your sugar and carb intake, make sure you read the label of your Hemp edible of choice. Many edibles are loaded with sugar to help with flavor and consuming too many could throw off your daily nutrition goals if not monitored. Sugar and Kush keto Hemp gummies contain zero sugar or carbs and still taste great. Sugar and Kush wanted to ensure that you could enjoy all the benefits of Hemp without having to adjust your daily macros to do so. Hemp edibles should be made from all-natural ingredients that complement the Hemp and your healthy lifestyle choices. If you have only been using the Sugar and Kush Hemp oil and the idea of the gummies sounds enticing, give them a try and see if they can work for you as well. It’s always good to have options.
Read more at FWBusiness.com.