North Carolina is a progressive state in terms of Hemp and one woman is very thankful for that after a judge determined her work termination to be unlawful. People worry that they will face Hemp oil drug tests by their employers if they start adding Hemp oil to their daily routine. However, employers do not test for Hemp. They test for THC. So, why then are people worrying that they could fail a drug test?
Hemp derived from hemp with less than .3% THC content is legal in North Carolina and on the federal level. Extracting Hemp isolate is challenging though and many companies have taken shortcuts leaving small amounts of THC in their products. So, unless you are reading Hemp product labels, looking for third party Hemp lab reports and checking customer Hemp reviews, you may well end up with a product with THC in it.
The woman in North Carolina failed a drug test for THC after suffering a hand injury while at work. She had been taking Hemp but never wanted the psychoactive effects associated with THC and was unaware the product she was taking even contained THC. When she challenged her employment termination, a judge in North Carolina agreed with her that since all hemp products derived from hemp that contains less than .3% THC is legal in the state, her termination was unlawful. Here are some excerpts from the judge’s decision.
When two statutes apply to the same situation, he said the one that applies “more directly and specifically” is viewed as the controlling law.
According to the memorandum, North Carolina specifically legalized products made from industrial hemp with THC concentrations below .3 percent in 2015 — meaning Smith’s use of Hemp oil was entirely legal.
If a federal judge presiding over the case accepts Cayer’s recommendations, Smith will be allowed to move forward on her claims for wrongful termination as well as disability and age discrimination.
Whether people are buying Hemp sleep gummies, Hemp 1000mg tinctures or Hemp bath bombs, they should always look for a Hemp certificate of analysis to know their products’ cannabinoid profile. While we all hope that every state is as progressive as North Carolina, only customers can know how to protect themselves by doing their due diligence with Hemp brands. Sugar and Kush Hemp products are all made with an isolate and you can find our third party lab tests right under the Add to Cart button.